… dyed Easter Eggs?

I’m hoping that a bunch of people will jump in and say “Yeah, we still do that”.
Easter was an important event at our place as kids. We got up early on Easter Morning to find that the Easter Bunny had been there and placed all these little chocolate eggs around the living room. He/she had rules apparently and they extended to just having them dropped off in that one room.
We’d chomp as many as we were allowed before heading to church for the Easter service and then come home for lunch. For Dad, it meant eating the coloured Easter eggs that my brother and I had created.
To the best of my memory, Mom would lay out four or five bowls with food colouring in them. In advance, she would have hard boiled a bunch of eggs and it was my brother’s and my job to colour them. I don’t recall doing anything special other than holding them with some sort of wire contraption and dying one half one colour, then flipping them over and dying the other half another. That egg beater in the video above looks interesting. We weren’t very artistic. We also didn’t like hard boiled eggs so Dad had the job of carefully cracking them open and eating the insides with a spoon after applying some salt and pepper.
There was a year when Mom bought some sort of plastic thing that shrunk around the egg and made it look fancy. We never got them to work all that well; they wrinkled and made a mess. Speaking of messes, the dye and the dripping also made incredible messes.
I’ve seen people use marker pens to dress up their eggs. As well, you can buy stickers and apply them. It seems like a lot of effort for something that I’m unlikely to eat anyway.
As a result, it was no surprise that we ended up giving up on the hard boiled eggs thing and just went for store purchased chocolate. That’s what we ended up doing with our own kids and now grandkids. A really good question would be “Why are we doing this on Monday and not Sunday this year?”
Kids are funny; nobody ever asks how the Easter Bunny knows what house to go to and how much to drop off. Or, why he/she hits both grandparents’ places when we used to drive back home for Easter. Why not just do it at our place? I guess curiosity can be bought off with chocolate. There was a time when local stores would make their own chocolate treats but these days it seems to have all gone commercial.
I can mention this now since my wife will be awake and might have found her Easter gifts this year. She was a weakness for Purdy’s Hedgehogs. Nothing else in the store comes close. They did have some foil-wrapped chocolates but I wasn’t taking any chances. Besides, the Hedgehogs were already gift wrapped.
Here’s what Copilot thinks they look like. Not close, but it does look tasty.

I’m tough to buy for as I’m not a fan of chocolate. Maybe I’ll get some hard boiled eggs?
For Easter Sunday, your thoughts…
- do you have any fond remembrances of Easter Sunday traditions from your childhood?
- how about now? Do you have any family routines that are followed?
- have you ever dyed an egg?
- do you like eating hard-boiled eggs?
- what other tools have you used to dress up an egg for this day?
- Easter is a religious day. How did the rabbit get in on it?
- there have been many news reports lately about the price of chocolate going up. Did you find that this year?
- does your family still share chocolate or other treats on Easter morning? If not chocolate, what do you find on your egg hunt?
As always, I’d appreciate seeing your thoughts about this very important topic. Please do so in the comments.
This is a regular Sunday morning feature around here. You can check them all out at this link.