… the $1.49 breakfast special?

I can remember my Dad’s words as if it was just this morning. Can I take you to breakfast? The Special is $1.49 – two eggs, two strips of bacon, two slices of bread and all the coffee you can drink.

To be honest, that was quite a few years ago but it still brings back fond memories of special times with him. Those who know where I grew up will know immediately the restaurant that would provide this breakfast. And, it was truly the best – especially the coffee.
Breakfast is such a simple meal to eat but actually requires quite a few different dishes to prepare it, you’d have to have all the makings, and then the time and timing to get it all done at the same time. It’s a real skill and one that I appreciate the efforts of a restaurant where the cook has it all within an arm’s reach.
It’s Saturday morning as I write this and my wife and I went out for breakfast. The $1.49 breakfast special is indeed a fond memory now. At this place, the special is $6.99 but it’s only available Monday – Friday and coffee is an add-on.
We did treat ourselves – she had banana French toast for $16.99 and I had the Western omelette for $13.99. Coffee was extra; $5.98 for two small cups but refills were “free”. Needless to say, with all this plus a tip, it was well over $40.
For breakfast.
And, I wouldn’t take kids there. There was no kids’ menu so you’d be paying full price for something that might not get completely eaten.
Now, I’m not casting any dirt on the restaurant; it was a wonderful and tasty breakfast but it reminds me why we don’t go out for breakfast on a frequent basis. I will confess though; I’ve had better coffee.
The price of everything is so high these days. I know that we pick and choose more carefully everywhere we make purchases to try to get the best value we can. Going out to a restaurant is a special treat that we still make room for every now and again.
Your thoughts, for a Sunday morning where I’ll be eating cereal for breakfast…
- these days, what’s a decent prince for a breakfast at a restaurant?
- what’s the best value for a breakfast that you can remember?
- do you have a favourite breakfast or do you use the restaurant as a place to try something new?
- can you cook the perfect breakfast without dirtying every dish in the house?
- do you put your bacon on a paper towel to soak up the grease?
- if the restaurant gives you a choice of bread for your toast, what’s your choice?
- does coffee make or break a breakfast for you?
- have you ever had steak for breakfast? That’s a luxury I’ve never had
- are you careful about making purchases these days? Would you have made this purchase? https://ca.news.yahoo.com/grocery-prices-in-canada-40-pack-of-chicken-riles-up-shoppers–seriously-whos-paying-for-this-210414714.html
- what should be on the kid’s menu for breakfast?
- if I was coming to your town, where would you recommend I get breakfast?
I hope that you’re enjoying a nice breakfast as you read this. Please take a moment to share your thoughts in the comments below.
This is a regular Sunday morning feature around here. You can check out all the previous posts here.